The Studio

Mastering Gear Racks at TL Mastering Studio
Scenic Mastering Studio in the Stellenbosch Mountains
Mastering Rack at TL Mastering Studio

Gear List

B&W N803
Velodyne DD10
Hypex 400HG
Cranesong Solaris
Forssell MADA-2 AD/DA
Dangerous BAX EQ
Summit DCL-200
Buzz Audio SOC 1.1
API 2500
Jünger Audio Accent 2
dbx Quantum
Z-Systems Router
Sennheiser HD 600 Headphones
Sennheiser HD 800S Headphones
TCA Audio HPA1 Head amp
Cables by van den Hul & Mogami
A few things I am not telling you about

Sequoia 13
Algorithmix EQ Red
MAAT EQ Orange
Algorithmix EQ Blue
Algorithmix LP Split Comp
Algortihmix K-Stereo
Sonnox Inflator
DMG Limitless
Stillwell Audio Event Horizon
PSP Audio Xenon
Waves L2
Fabfilter Pro-L2
iZotope Ozone
Algorithmix Scratchfree
Algorithmix Noisefree
Algorithmix Renovator

Mastering Engineer Tim Lengfeld from TL Mastering
Ready to Master?

Do you have a great song we can polish to perfection?